Zoho Workdrive

Zoho WorkDrive is a next generation, business focused document collaboration portal.

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Key Features

Solving complex problems digitally as per your needs and delivering a stable and reliable customised solutions.

Designed for Team Usage

Zoho WorkDrive is designed for use by business and organisations with multiple teams.

Move files around, copy them from personal 'development' folders into Team folders.

Preview and Download Files

Preview files easily by viewing thumbnails and/or download them for local use.You can even schedule downloads and file zips on a regular basis as a means to backup your files.

Check In / Check Out Files

Zoho WorkDrive allows you to check in / check out files to prevent other users from editing the files when you're working on them.

Search Files and Folders

Zoho WorkDrive has a powerful contextual search function that will search through your files and folders.

Advanced Analytics

Zoho WorkDrive has a full document and user activity tracking function, which allows you to manage portal users, see who is using what folders and documents over time, and also how much storage your organisation is using.

Office Suite

Zoho WorkDrive is fully integrated to all of the office suite apps such as Zoho Writer, Zoho Show and Zoho Sheet, allowing you and your team members to create and edit documents via the web without the need for expensive office software.

Version Tracking

Zoho WorkDrive's check out/check in and automated version tracking functions allow users to track, maintain and access current and previous versions of documents.

Fully Mobile

Zoho Workdrive is fully mobile and team members can access documents on their mobile devices at any time and any location.

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